Lakota Creations is a small home based internet business. We specialize in providing the highest quality ceremonial pipes and stems. We’ve been doing that for over 35 years. We also offer herbs, medicines, and many other items that you may need for ceremony. Lakota Creations is NOT a Native American owned company. (like it was originally) We support artists from all backgrounds and we know it may be important to some of our potential customers, that they purchase from an enrolled Native American artist. Unless the item you are looking at specifies that it was made by a Native American artist, you can safely assume that it was not.
Darwin Wallenburg hand crafts most of the pipes and stems that you will see on the site. Darwin learned the art of making pipes from his mentor: Little Feather. Little Feather was a master craftsman who passed away unexpectedly at a young age (back in 1987) in a house fire. Darwin has done 100’s of customs pipes and there’s virtually nothing he can’t do when it comes to making ceremonial pipes. If you would like to see a large number of the custom pipes that we’ve done you should check out our Ceremonial Pipe Album on our Lakota Creations facebook page.
You will also find many other high quality Native American items. A Rosebud Native: Darrell Young has done most of the beadwork you’ll find on the site. He’s been doing it for many years and he’s an accomplished artist. His work is some of the highest quality Native American beadwork available.
Lakota Creations conducts business in a very traditional manner as well. We have done traditional trades of pipes for food, craft supplies, Native crafts, and about anything else you can imagine. This site continues to be a work in progress. Over time you will see many of the items that we’ve traded for over the years… available for purchase.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.
Animal and Effigy Pipes (30)
4 Winds Pipes (25)
Plains Style Pipes (T Pipes) (24)
Elbow Pipes (17)
Tomahawk or Hatchet Pipes (9)
All Other Pipes (13)
Ceremonial Pipe Stems (19)
Raw Carving Stone (32)
Pipe Blanks (17)
Botanicals (Herbs and Medicines) (13)
Cedar Boxes (12)
Leather Pipebags and Pouches (28)
Craft Supplies (17)
Books, CD's, & DVD's (24)
Beadwork (86)